How it works
Our system gathers massive amounts of information about every visitor of your website. This information is then checked against a large number of conditions or triggers that determine the quality of every visitor and detect fraudsters of all sorts.
Information in question includes but is not limited to Proxy services, Operating System information, Browser information, and their behavioral patterns.
Our system establishes a certain Fraud Score for every visitor, depending on the number of triggers that have fired in any particular case. The Score of every trigger varies depending on a number of factors and combinations of the said triggers.
There are three types of users depending on their score: Quality Users, Low-risk Users, and Potential Fraudsters.
0 – 50
Quality User
50 – 75
Low-risk User
75 – 100
Potential Fraudster
Real-time Scoring
The moment new visitor appears on your desktop or mobile web page our script gathers all the information about their device.
Traffic Quality Control
Receive data about the quality of your traffic using our reporting tool or send it to your Google Analytics and find out who visits your website.
Bad Actors Detection
Our deep learning technology will help you to stop all kinds of fraudsters harming your website without wasting your human resources.
Versatile API
Choose what information to receive to successfully protect your business. We offer different options for networks, e-commerce projects, communities.
Deep User Analysis
Separate wheat from chaff with our machine learning algorithms. Always know whether your new visitor is a genuine user, fraudster or a bot.
Device Fingerprint
Our platform will help you protect your users from account takeovers, spammers, and scammers using device fingerprint paired with our trigger system.